According to today's USDA Grain Transportation Report, on May 3, in Washington, DC, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) held a partially public Sunshine Act meeting where the Commission announced several new developments.

First, a new regional FMC organization will bring investigators closer to regulated entities and aid response to alleged violations.

The new organization will locate investigators in 12 port cities, divided among three regions.

Also, related to the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022, FMC continues its work on two rulemakings that are already underway:

  • First, FMC’s final rule on demurrage and detention billing requirements.
  • Second, the supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (SNPRM) on unreasonable refusal to deal or negotiate with respect to vessel space.

Once the SNPRM is issued, FMC expects to issue its rulemaking addressing unfair or unjustly discriminatory methods.

Finally, at the May 3 meeting, FMC’s Commissioner summarized the findings and recommendations of a report—issued last month—on the Commission’s Maritime Transportation Data Initiative.