Minneapolis, MN — The Grain Elevator and Processing Society announces today a new partnership with Safety Made Simple, LLC to provide free online safety courses to members.

Safety Made Simple will provide a new course every quarter for the next year through the partnership.

The first course, Safety Made Simple 105: Lockout Tagout - Complex Procedures is currently available for members.

“We are very excited to work with Safety Made Simple and to provide this additional training at no cost to our members,” said Steve Records, GEAPS executive director.

“This partnership highlights our mission and work to advance industry knowledge and provides distinct new value for GEAPS membership.

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The team at Safety Made Simple leverage a ton of experience to provide tools to keep the industry safe.

"The members of their content development team are highly regarded in our industry and are frequent speakers at GEAPS events. This is one more example of new offerings GEAPS is bringing to our members.”

According to Joe Mlynek of Safety Made Simple, “we are grateful for the opportunity to offer several of our online courses to GEAPS members.

Our partnership with GEAPS aligns with our commitment to the hard-working people in the agriculture industry. Together we will help send them home safely each day.”

GEAPS members can access the training by logging in to the GEAPS website and clicking on “My Training” on their member profile.

About Safety Made Simple

Safety Made Simple, the agriculture industry’s leading online training provider, offers a full range of courses in areas including general industry, grain handling, livestock, agronomy, and food safety, as well as human resource development.

The Company’s learning management system (LMS) allows an administrator to easily assign and track training efforts and generate a wide range of reports. Safety Made Simple also offers a “Course Builder” tool which allows clients to build their own courses within the LMS.

Courses are available within an existing LMS with their “content only” option. For more information visit their website at www.safetymadesimple.com.


The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) is an international professional association of grain handling and processing professionals.

GEAPS addresses the industry’s critical grain handling, storage and processing operations needs by providing networking, professional development programs and access to a global marketplace of industry suppliers.

GEAPS’ global network includes more than 2,300 individual members from about 1,050 companies.

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