January 25, 2021 - Ag Processing Inc a cooperative (AGP) announced today the election of three directors to serve three-year terms on the Board. The elections took place during the 2020 AGP Annual Meeting, held virtually on January 22, 2021.

Newly elected to the Board is Rob Jacobs, General Manager of Farmers Cooperative Elevator headquartered in Ocheyedan, Iowa.

Re-elected to the Board are Bruce Granquist, producer from LaBolt, South Dakota, and Larry Oltjen, producer from Robinson, Kansas.

Following the annual meeting, the AGP Board elected Lowell Wilson as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Wilson, a producer from Primghar, Iowa, has served on the Board of Directors since 1985 and held the position of Vice Chairman since 1995.

Wilson succeeds Brad Davis of Goldfield, Iowa, who recently retired after 27 years on the AGP Board and over 46 years of experience in the cooperative system.

“I am very honored to have been elected to serve as Chairman of AGP,” Wilson said.

“We have achieved great things at AGP and I believe we will continue our success in the years ahead.

"I look forward to working with the Board and management in leading the cooperative to further build upon its strong business foundation.

"On behalf of the Board of Directors, I also want to sincerely thank and express our gratitude to Brad Davis for his leadership and service to AGP, our member/owners, and agriculture.”

The Board also elected Dean Isaacson, retired General Manager of Western-Consolidated Co-op in Holloway, Minnesota, as Vice Chairman.

Chuck Schafer, General Manager of North Iowa Cooperative Elevator in Thornton, Iowa, was elected Secretary-Treasurer.

For more information, please contact Matt Caswell at 402-498-2279 or mcaswell@agp.com