The City of Russell (KS) Fire Department was awarded a grant that will enhance the department's response capabilities for a grain bin rescue.

According to a press release from Fire Chief Dylan Riedel, the grant consists of grain bin rescue equipment provided by ProValue Insurance of Kansas, which allows firefighters to safely build a protective wall around someone who is trapped by grain using the tube that was provided via the grant, thus forming a barrier around the victim and allowing responders to remove grain from around the victim, assisting in their extrication from the grain and the bin.

The National Education Center for Ag Safety provided training that consisted of sinking a firefighter into the grain and working on removing the firefighter utilizing the new equipment.

American Plains Coop provided the grain used during the training.

The City of Russell Fire Department wants to thank National Education Center for Ag Safety, ProValue Insurance and American Plains Coop for providing the equipment, training and materials that enhance the department's grain bin rescue capabilities.

(Information and photo courtesy City of Russell Fire Department. Pictured: Firefighters Isaac Cherry, Brandon Dinkel and Dakota Schmidt, Fire Chief Dylan Riedel, Lieutenant Tanner Krug, Firefighters Jerald Mosier and Tyler Reynolds, Assistant Chief Rick Webb and Firefighter Amber Whitmer.)