While equipment will draw most of the attention at this year’s AgroExpo, held Aug. 13 and 14 in St. Johns, grain bin safety also needs attention.

Attention realized during AgroExpo’s farm safety demos, presented by Gold Coast Sales and GreenStone Farm Credit Services.

“We have some bins covered by OSHA rules, but on the farm where OSHA is not covering, it’s important those folks know the proper procedures for entering into a bin,” said Dan Neenan, director of the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS).

“There really doesn’t need to be any grain bin engulfments or catastrophes if we follow the right procedures.”

According to NECAS, up to 20 grain entrapments occur annually in the United States, with many non-fatal incidents going unreported. Most of the time, these entrapments lead to engulfments, which lead to death, NECAS reported.

“The Confined Space Grain Safety program is intended for workers and managers in agriculture,” NECAS stated. “This includes Coop’s, farm operators, employees, and agriculture business owners.”

Procedures farmers can use to prevent catastrophe include identifying hazards associated with confined space work, understanding the process for confined space entry, and monitoring the air quality in a confined space.

Other factors have an operator:

  • Understand the harness that need to be worn during an entry
  • Understand the job responsibilities of a confined space attendant
  • Know where to look for OSHA references and resources related to confined space entry in the grain industry
  • Perform a grain bin entry
  • Understand the rescue procedures for someone trapped in grain

    According to NECAS, 45% of known entrapments involve corn. Similarly, Purdue researchers noted that nearly all cases involving examined grain bins for 2022 involved grain that was non-flowing due to spoilage.
    “If you follow the procedures, it’s going to be much easier to have a successful outcome,” Neenan said.
    “We’re now producing, storing and moving more grain now than in any other time in U.S. history. Unfortunately, we are starting to see the engulfments, catastrophes and fatalities also growing.”

    Source: https://www.michiganfarmnews.c...